Paul van Ingen

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2024-07 Text

(2024-07 - various on paper 75x45 cm)

2024-07 Evolution-in-Blue

(2024-07 - acrylic paint and paste on canvas 120 x 60 cm)

Universe Gas-ring

Inspired by a James Webb picture of a nebula.
(2024 - acrylic on canvas 100 x 100 cm)

The Creation of the Universe

I was inspired by the deep space pictures of the James Web telescope, that were released by NASA.
While painting by accident there was like a see-through covered by two arms. They reminded me of the fresco in the Sistine Chapel, the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
I decided to use that element in this work and so developed 'The Creation of the Universe'.

(2024-04 - acrylic on linen, 40x160cm)


1053 blocks

1053 blocks, 42 colors, 3 panels
(2024-03 - acrylic on MDF panels 3x 27x117cm)

no title

Inspired by a picture of the erupting vulcano near Grindavik in Iceland. 10 years ago I painted an impression of the Vulcanic activity in Iceland too.

(2024 - acrylic on canvas 80 x 120 cm)

No Labyrinth, No Maze

2024 Feb - ink on Steinbach paper 60x60cm (framed-80x80cm)

12 Lines (almost white) to 1 Line (almost black) in 6 steps

2023 July - ink on Schoellershammer paper 20x20cm 7 pieces



2023 - Medusa - my interpretation of this mythical person

Constructie en De-Constructie

Composition of 5 lines                                                               Construction of canvas and 5 bands


  Deconstruction of canvas and bands


2023 June - This is called 'Construction and Deconstruction'
taking a work apart into its main components : canvas and bands

Oosters - Zwart-Wit

2022 December - Rotring Pen, Ink, Pencil on Steinbach paper 60x60cm

Oosterse Motieven

2022 October - Pen, Ink, Pencil on Steinbach paper 73x73cm


2022 October - Acrylic on Canvas - 2x 90x90cm

Orion Nebula

2022 June - Acrylic on Canvas - 120x60cm
Inspired by a picture of Universe that we saw at an exhibition in London. I wanted to see if I could touch the spirit by painting gasses, nebula, and objects. Now tried the Orion Nebula


2022 June - Acrylic on Canvas - 120x60cm
Inspired by a picture of Universe that we saw at an exhibition in London. I wanted to see if I could touch the spirit by painting gasses, nebula, and objects

Patterns (12 Colors, 3 Panels)

2022 February - MDF Panels - Acrylic paint - size 50cm x 115cm each

What is this about?
Three words form the basis for these panels: 'ritme', 'structuur' and 'patroon'. I did create a pattern of 10x23 lines in the pages in the dictionary with these words. The letters on the intersections of the line pattern in the dictionary defined the colorscheme on the panel. This way the pattern of 12 colors was defined by the words in the dictionary. There's a little more to this - which explores randomness versus regularity. If you're interested let me know.


Cover Art - January Edition of ACS Catalysis journal

2022 January - Cover Art published
Yara's onderzoeksgroep in Cardiff heeft een artikel gepubliceerd in Catalysis Journal van de ACS (American Chemistry Society).
Heb de Cover Art samen gemaakt met Yara.

ACS Introductie:
The image represents the generation of reactive carbenes from diazo precursors using catalytic amounts of triarylboranes. The formed carbene can be utilized for the functionalization of a range of organic compounds. The image highlights the potential catalytic power of triarylboranes and their wide applicability in organic synthesis.
Both Paul van Ingen and Yara van Ingen are acknowledged for the creation of the cover art.

Link to the Article is here
Thanks Yara

Blue Circle(s)

Cirkel patronen in blauw
Acrylic Paint on MDF panel - 90cm diameter


Op basis van het concept 'boek', heb ik zelf een aantal boeken gemaakt - boekbinders linnen, inbinden, de kneep - schutpapier en omslag. Alles erop en eraan.
Ze staan mooi in de boekenkast

Eerste boek heet 'Initium', latijn voor begin, aanvang of de initiaal

Tweede boek heet 'Sine Regula', latijn voor zonder regel. Wat als de regel niet van links naar rechts loopt, maar van voor naar achter.

Derde boek is een serie van 8: Ligaturas Octo Partes - Boek samengesteld uit 8 delen. Samen vormen ze een belangrijk motto of aanwijzing.


Purple Lines

4 Purple Lines - width 5cm

8 Purple Lines - width 2cm

Het idee is dat met dezelfde oppervlakte aan paarse lijnen (dezelfde hoeveelheid verf op het doek) een andere balans op het doek onstaat. De patronen zijn ontworpen door middel van een klein pass-par-tout met gesneden lijnen in verschillende dikten.
Acrylic paint on Canvas

Gevouwen Lijnen

De canvas stroken vouwen zich als het ware om het doek heen
zijn het nog wel lijnen of wekt het alleen die indruk.
De stroken lijken om het doek gevouwen, maar ze lopen achter het doek in dezelfde richting terug - wonderlijk.
80x80cm - arcylic paint on canvas  

Lijnen zonder Doek - Compositie #1

Ik ben altijd in de weer met lijnen op en doek - verhouding - ritme - struktuur
Maar wat als ik de lijnen maak zonder doek - en opzichzelf staand. Dat is dit geworden.
wel een ritme met 5 lijnen, 6 en 8 lijnen in verschillende dikten. De orientatie van de lijnen komt terug in alle drie de composities
Lasergesneden uit 9mm MDF, Acryl/Vernis ca. 60x60cm

Colorfield Performance - doek#2

Overzicht Colorfield Performance

Acryl op Paneel - 122x122cm - titel: "Geen stip aan de horizon"

3 Grijze doeken 10 graden, met witte lijn

3 Grijze Doeken met Witte Lijn

3 Grijze Doeken met Witte Lijn

Voor Ruby & Koos 2021-April - Canvas 80x80cm 3x

What is a Line?

Lijn-Verhoogd relief  Lijn-Elastiek  Lijn-Verhoogd 


2021 - Canvas 50x50cm
1) Relief verhoogd
2) Elastiek
3) Verhoogd
4) Insnijdingen


The Colorfield Performance

I participated in The ColorField Performance, where appr. 500 artist complete a piece of art in one day - 6 artists at a time - the result after few months
is a complete piece. It was close to home at Park Lingezegen Elst
I was lucky to do my piece on the first day of the event and got some press coverage

Colorfield  Colorfield 

(2021 - construction Multiplex Panel, Wood, Acrylic - 122x122cm - open air)


White Circles

Cirkels 1  Cirkels 3  Cirkels 2

(2021 - Acrylic on MDF Panel - 60cm diameter - matt varnished)


Pattern wooden blocks

Cirkels 1  Cirkels 3 

(2020 - Wooden blocks on MDF Panel - 50x50cm - Spraypainted)


44 Tracks

44 Banen                      

(2021 - Canvas on Canvas - Acrylic on Canvas - 50x100cm - matt varnished


Diamond Shaped


(2021 - Acrylic on Canvas - 70x70cm - unvarnished)


312 Circles

312 Cirkels                      

(2020 - 3 x Acrylic on MDF panels - 60cm diameter - Matt Varnish)


Green Circle(s)

Groene Cirkels                       Groene Cirkels

(2020 - Acrylic on MDF panel - 60cm diameter)

(Inspired by little leaves on a dark green pond




(2020 - Dotted Ink on Steinbach-paper 70x70cm)

(This builds on the earlier two similar drawings I did earlier - one in 1987 and another in 1997 - see below)

Woman-1 Woman-2 Woman-3


5 Black Lines (Matter)

5 Black Lines

(2019 - Acrylic on canvas 100x100cm)




(2019 - Acrylic on canvas 40x100cm)


Tilted Dots

Tilted dots Circles Tilted dots Squares

(2018 - Ink on paper - 2x40x40cm)



Created for Ada

Groene Golf Ada Groene Golf Ada

(2019-06 - Acrylic on canvas - 2x90x90cm)


6 Drawings - theme : Art Deco

Created for Nannette and Christon, for their Art Deco apartment in 'Des Sens-Nyons

(2019-04 - Various materials - 20x20cm)


8 Cubes with two continuous lines

8 cubes with ligh grey line on the outside and dark gery line inside.

2018 8 cubes 2018 8 cubes

(2018-10 - Wood, spraypaint - 6.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 cm)


Black & White

Black and white square.

2018 Black Square 2018 White Square

(2018-07 - Acrylic on canvas - 90x90cm)


White Line on Green

The green one now nicely fits to the earlier blue one.

2015 White Line on Red 2017 White Line on Blue 2017 White Line on Green

(2017-11 - Acrylic on canvas - 100x100cm)


I painted a circle-type mosiac of an eye. At close distance it looks messy and disjointed.
On the righthand-picture you see the same painting at a distance of about 20 meters. It starts to look like a sharp picture.

2017 Eye - close 2017 Eye - distance


White Line on Blue


(2017 - Acrylic on canvas - 100x100cm)


Line spanning 7 canvases

(2016-11 - Acrylic on canvas - 7 canvases of 60x60cm - total length : 3,9 m)

White Line on Black Circle


(2016 - Acrylic on canvas - diameter : 90cm)

White Line on Red


(2015 - Acrylic on canvas - 100x100cm)

Logo Design contest at HP

Design for HPE CSC Logo - eventually I didn't submit my design. But of course you can see it here


(2015 - computer design )

Arnhem Station - T-shirt design competition

Design for Okimono T-Shirt
Okimono in Arnhem had a t-shirt design competition, whereby the architecture and design of the new and soon to be opened Arnhem Station needed to play a major role.
Out of over 50 contesters I came out in Second Position - almost won ..


(2015 - computer design )


131 Lines



(2013 - ink on paper - 4 pieces - 40x50cm)

no title


Inspired by a satelite picture of the erupting vulcano (Eyjafjallajökull) in IcelandDistortion

(2014 - acrylic on canvas 80 x 120 cm)

Rubberband lines - part 2

At the HP office in Amstelveen they ask the employees to exhibit their pieces of art at a designated wall. I have been a significant
contributor since they started the program. Most recently they asked me if I could provide an overview of all my work. I offered to make
dedicated piece for this wall - which I did .. based on my earlier 'rubberband' theme.
Under the 'rode draad : lines' section you'll find a small stop motion video.

(2014 - rubberband on canvas - 100 x 100 cm 2x)

Logo 'Sport Verandert'

Ruud van Dijk asked me to develop a new Logo for his company 'Sport Verandert'.
The logo visualises that sports can actually change your life, change your way of life - maybe even change your DNA.
Another way of looking at it is to say that Sports is in the DNA of Ruud and he wants to motivate and change people.

(2014 paper pencil)


9Cubes, 2Lines

Two continuing lines on 9 cubes
(2014 - Wood, MDF spraypaint - 9 times 8 x 8 cm)


Red with a twist

Special painting for a nephew of us for his new interior.
(2013 - Acrylic on Canvas - 70 x 100 cm)


Logo 'Wijkinzicht'

'Wijk-inzicht' asked me to develop a new Logo for their communication.
More information can be found at the wijk-inzicht web-site



'distortions' 2013



The theme here is 'Distortions'.
(2013 - MDF board, wood and paint - 4 pieces - 50x50cm)


rubberband lines - 2012

(2012 - 20mm band, 2 x canvas 70x70cm)


blue - 2012


(2012 - acrylic on canvas - 2x 90x90cm)

gravity - 2012

The concept of gravity or falling colors developed in 2010 as I was thinking of color-schemes and movement. The idea developed overtime.
While crafting the first version of colored boxes, I wanted to experiment the idea of creating an experience of movement with static structures.
This is now part of a structure of 3, providing a sense of motion.


(2012 - acrylic on wood)

35 memories - 2012

In early 2012 I finished a composition of 35 small pictures and drawings. Here's a small and rough visual of the 35 elements, and a snapshot of the frame.


(2012 - various techniques on paper)

drawing - paintings- 2009/10

Black/white drawing with quotes, copies and small drawings. I started to draw the first of this sequence in the year 1997. The one below is number 5 in the sequence. All in the same form factor, same pass-partout and same frame. I am looking for large space/large wall where I can show all 5 together.
Second painting is called 'Indian Marriage'. There's a story to the colors, the patterns - if you're interested I'll explain to you at request. Next you see 'Falling Canva's' - a theme that will come back in later work, and than there's 2 peices with a  random pattern of 13 defined pastel colors.
These pieces were made between 2007-2010 during our stay in Bangalore/India

#5 Quotes Indian Marriage Falling Canvas Random Pattern of 13 defined colors


QR codes - 2011

The use of QR codes is rapidly increasing. My 2 QR codes below are together - as they share a red band. Are you able to decypher the messages ?


(2011 - ink on paper - )